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الأدوات المساعدة
المطور: Audeonic Apps

IMPORTANT: This application was developed for iOS 3 and below. If you have an iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 running iOS4, this app will NOT work satisfactorily. Please consider our app Silent4 instead which was developed from the ground up for iOS4 and is a true set and forget background app with more advanced features.

Heres a review from someone who possibly didnt heed the above: "Officially the most worthless app I have ever tried". Seriously, dont download this if you have iOS4 and an iPhone 3GS or iPhone4.

Do you regularly forget your iPhone is in silent mode only to find several missed calls and messages? If so, this simple utility might help.

The only way of knowing your iPhone is in silent mode is to notice the little slider switch is down on the side, as there is no persistent indicator on the screen. Unless you count missed calls as a persistent indicator, that is.

When you switch your iPhone into silent mode, just touch the Silent app icon and the icon badge is set to 222 (a bit like zzz) to remind you the iPhone is being silent. Likewise, when switching out of silent mode, touch the Silent app again and the badge is removed. For best results place the app icon on your home page or even in the bottom section so you can see the status from any springboard page.

Silent also features Push Reminders. When the app recognises it is in silent mode, it schedules a reminder to be sent to you via a push notification after a specified (via Settings) amount of time. When that time arrives, if you have not yet switched out of silent mode (and touched the app) you will receive a push notification reminding you that your iPhone may still be in silent mode. If you have configured vibrate in your iPhones Sounds -> Silent settings, then it will also vibrate.

In the app settings (via the iPhones Settings panel) you can configure Silent to quit automatically so that you dont even need to press the home button. You can even set the seconds to delay to 0 seconds which will suppress the app from displaying and you will have then enabled the super fast One Touch feature to set the reminder!

When you download the app you receive the Basic version to get the opportunity to try out all the features straight away. After a period you will then have the option to purchase the Premium version to continue using all the features. Alternatively you can continue to use the Basic version at no cost but the One Touch and Push Reminders are no longer available. If you find the app useful then the modest cost of the app should pay for itself when you reduce the number of calls and messages you might miss.

Silent is only of use for iPhone. The iPod Touch has no silent mode. Remember also, that for the app to recognise the silent setting no headphones can be attached while you run the app. If headphones are connected, the app will ask you to briefly unplug them while it checks the silent status.

Hit the FREE button now at the top to give it a shot!